Sunday, April 15, 2012

April 12, 2012, As the fandom celebrates twenty five years since Vincent rescued the socialite Catherine Chandler from her slasher/attackers.

Their love is sacred to him, yet he resists relinquishing his physical body to their love. I would hope his note to be on their second anniversary.

Our challenge was to write a max 100 words paragraph, conceived as a line of dialogue between our favorite couple, starting with "Thank you, Catherine (or Vincent)..."
and ending with the word "love".

My choice was that Vincent wrote to Catherine, his steadfast and patient love.

Thanks for your comments.....they let me know there is a reason write it down and not just think it.


Thank-you, Catherine-

Before the beat of your heart called out to me a library of words sat on dead pages. I read them only to wonder at the depth they could hold.

The mystery of our love, the majesty of its meaning has strummed my heart to real life. A life we share in spurts, a life you wish to expand.

Finally accepting your dreams to be our dreams - on our anniversary I confess my gratitude at your unflagging pursuit of that dream.

I surrender to you, Catherine…in Love.

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